
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Homeopathic Medicine for Hypertension - An Effective Approach to Treating High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure that the flow of blood exerts on the artery walls and is measured in mmHg units. On the sphygmomanometer, the normal blood pressure reading lies around 120/80 mmHg for a person. Any significant increase from this level is called Hypertension or high blood pressure. Homeopathy for Hypertension is a better alternative to conventional medications for high blood pressure treatment. Using Homeopathic medicine for Hypertension treatment is a better and safer alternative to traditional Hypertension medicines.

Understanding Hypertension

The heart is the pumping organ of the circulatory system. It takes up deoxygenated blood, purifies it, and pumps the oxygenated blood back to the body parts. Contraction of the heart to pump out the blood is called systole. When the heart relaxes to fill in the deoxygenated blood, it’s called diastole. The blood pressure is a composite of the systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

For representation, in 120/80 mmHg, 120 mmHg is systolic, and 80 mmHg is the diastolic blood pressure.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition where these figures are abnormally high. There are set definitions for the stages of Hypertension as under:
  • 120/80 mmHg - Normal
  • 120/80 mmHg to 129/80 mmHg - Elevated Blood pressure
  • 130/80 mmHg to 139/89 mmHg - Stage 1 Hypertension
  • 140/90 mmHg - Stage 2 Hypertension
  • 180/120 mmHg - Hypertensive Crisis

Why Homeopathy For Hypertension?

Homeopathic principles are aimed at treating the diseased body using the minimum dose of medicine. According to the ‘law of similars, a substance that causes the disease can also treat the disease when given in trace amounts. This principle is used to administer a small amount of the medicine to the person, which would create similar symptoms if given in large quantities. Furthermore, the ‘law of minimum dose’ helps Homeopathic practitioners treat a disease without causing side effects. Homeopathy for Hypertension treatment is no exception. A ‘potentized’ (activated) Homeopathic medicine for Hypertension is used to gently heal the disease's body, offering sustained relief.

Homeopathic Medicine for Hypertension Treatment at Dr. Singhal Homeo

Dr. Vikas Singhal is an experienced Homeopathic doctor in the Tricity and India for the treatment of acute, chronic, rare, and autoimmune diseases. At his Clinic, Dr. Singhal Homeo, Dr. Vikas is providing treatment for high blood pressure for over 19 years. He uses individualized Homeopathic medicine for hypertension treatment for each case.

He can be reached at his clinic or over a phone call for offline or online consultation. At Dr. Singhal Homeo, you can also opt for the home delivery of your medicines. Homeopathy is both an art and a science. In the present age, it's one of the most effective and safe alternatives for disease management and treatment. Call Dr. Singhal Homeo today for a consultation and an effective Homeopathic treatment of Hypertension for lasting relief.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Best Homeopathic Doctor in Sector 38, Chandigarh

 Find the Best Homeopathic Doctor in Sector 38, Chandigarh

Homeopathy is an alternative science of medicine that gained momentum in the 19th century. It is essentially a natural recovery process that helps patients regain their health by using the body’s inherent strength for healing. It emphasizes treating the patient rather than the disease.

Homeopathic medicines use natural ingredients from animals, plants, and minerals in dilute form and have no side effects on the patient.

ü The dilute form of natural medicine is recommended in minimum doses, making it absolutely safe for consumption.

Best Homeopathic Doctor in Sector 38, Chandigarh

ü Homeopathy works on ‘the law of similars’ or ‘like cures like principle. It recommends that the cause of a disease can also successfully treat the condition.

ü It is cost-effective.

ü It channelizes the body’s immunity and inherent healing power for treatment. It also boosts the body’s immune system through its medication course.

ü This treatment can be safely used along with the conventional medical treatment for a patient.

ü Homeopathic remedies have been scientifically proven.

ü The treatment is suitable for people of all ages.

ü It treats every person individually. Since no two people are alike, the treatment method of everyone cannot be the same. Hence, it follows an individualistic approach.

Some of the mild, acute, chronic, and rare diseases treated by the Best Homeopathic Doctor in Sector 38, Chandigarh include:

ü Skin problems like acne and pimples

ü Prurigo Nodularis

ü Osteomyelitis

ü Psoriasis

ü Lipoma

ü Hypertension

ü Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and constipation

ü Erectile Dysfunction

ü Ulcerative Colitis

ü Ankylosing Spondylitis

ü Chalazion

ü Underactive Thyroid

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, is credited with the conception of the science of Homeopathy.

People are switching to Homeopathic treatment for various diseases worldwide.

Best Homeopathic Doctor in Sector 38, Chandigarh

Dr. Singhal Homeo is the best option for the Best Homeopathic treatment in India.

 Dr. Vikas Singhal is one of the leading top Homeopathic Doctors in Chandigarh for various mild and severe diseases. With a well-equipped and one of the Best Homeopathic clinics in Sector 38, Chandigarh, Dr. Singhal offers his service to the people of Tricity. It is the best option for anyone looking for an experienced Homeopathic Doctor in Mohali and Chandigarh

Besides offering the Homeopathic medicines recommended via the Best Doctor in Chandigarh and India at large, Dr. Singhal Homeo also provides its services to other countries like the USA and Canada. Health experts around the world recognize Homeopathy as a treatment effective for incurable and rare diseases.

Homeopathic treatment steadily cures your body to a healthy state. It follows a holistic approach and treats your entire body. The medicines are effective yet gentle on your body.

With 20 years of experience and excellent reviews from his patient, Dr. Vikas Singhal is the Doctor you are looking for the Best Homeopathic treatment in Sector 38, Chandigarh. He also offers online consultation to his patients. Contact now to book an appointment with him. 




Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tonsillitis – Symptoms and Homeopathic Treatment

Tonsillitis is the inflammation of your tonsils. It can lead to sore throat, problems in swallowing and eating, and pain in the impacted area. Hence, a suitable treatment is advisable for the same.

Homeopathic Treatment offers quick relief from Tonsillitis and associated symptoms.

What are tonsils?

Tonsils are the two oval-shaped tissues on each side of the neck. Tonsils play a crucial role in enhancing your body’s immunity and hence in fighting infections. They are an essential part of the lymphatic system and act as the body’s first line of defense. The tonsils have four components:

  • Adenoid tonsil
  • A pair of palatine tonsils
  • A couple of tubal tonsils
  • Multiple lingual tonsils

Palatine tonsils are the most affected by Tonsillitis. Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis soothes your throat and manages its impact on your tonsils.

Do you have Tonsillitis?

You are likely to have Tonsillitis if you observe one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Sore throat
  • Soft lymph nodes
  • Swelling in the back of the throat
  • Difficulty in swallowing and eating
  • Microbial infections
  • Fever and headache
  • Runny nose
  • Stomach ache
  • Fussiness
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Weakness and tiredness
  • Formation of white or yellow patches on the tonsils
  • Development of blisters in the mouth
  • Drooling
  • Problems in sleeping

Maximum cases of Tonsillitis occur due to viral infections. However, bacterial infections may also cause the problem. Streptococcus pyogenes is the most common bacterium causing throat problems, including Tonsillitis. If left untreated for long, the disease can also lead to depression and mood issues.

Some people are also sensitive to weather changes or certain food items like ice-creams or cold drinks, and exposure to the same can lead to Tonsillitis. In addition, children are at the maximum risk of getting infected due to enhanced exposure to germs and weaker immunity than adults.

Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis

The appropriate treatment and medicines for Tonsillitis depend on the underlying cause; hence it is essential to go through a complete diagnosis. It is best to consult a Homeopathic doctor if you or your family is suffering from Tonsillitis.

Why Homeopathy for Tonsillitis?

Homeopathy is the best treatment available for Tonsillitis.

  • Minimum doses of the medicine have the maximum effect.
  • It boosts the body’s immunity, thus making it stronger to fight infections naturally.
  • It is a holistic approach – treats the disease, the underlying condition, and the entire body.
  • Not only the causes, but the treatment also works on and cures the symptoms.
  • No side effects owing to the natural composition of the medicines. The Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis works best if you follow the below precautions.

The Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis works best if you follow the below precautions.

  • Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing.
  • Avoid going out.
  • Washing hands frequently.
  • Do not share your utensils with anyone.

Dr. Singhal Homeo offers the Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis – both in the clinic and through online consultation. You can also opt for home delivery of the doctor-recommended Homeopathy medicines for Tonsillitis. Reach out to us through call: 0172-4611747 or WhatsApp to book an appointment: +91 9041111747

Friday, August 27, 2021

Asthma Homeopathy Treatment - A Better Alternative to Conventional Therapy

Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the bronchi causing mucous secretion and buildup. This causes an obstruction in the airflow to the lungs with symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and often suffocation. Asthma can affect people of all ages. However, it’s more prevalent in old-age people. Asthma Homeopathy Treatment is a better alternative to conventional medications. It offers sustained relief from the condition and also helps suppress the flare-ups of asthmatic attacks on exposure to the triggering factors.

Common Symptoms of Asthma

Different people may experience different symptoms of Asthma. Some most common ones are-

  • Frequent coughing
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing sound while exhaling
  • Sleep disturbances due to coughing, shortness of breath, and even suffocation.

Causes of Asthma

The exact cause of Asthma is unknown. However, a number of environmental and genetic factors are known to trigger the onset and worsen Asthma in an individual.

Asthma Homeopathy Treatment

Environmental Factors

The environmental factors include-

  • Pollution
  • Occupational hazards
  • Smoking
  • Respiratory infections, like cold and flu
  • A change in the environmental temperature, etc
  • Allergens, like dust mites, pollen, animal dander, mold spores, etc.
  • Strong emotions and stressful situations.
  • Medications including NSAIDs (like ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, etc.), beta-blockers.
  • Certain foods and beverages, like shrimp, dry fruits, beer, wine, coffee, etc.

Genetic factors

More patients have Asthma due to their genetic susceptibility to the disease rather than the environmental factors alone. A person who has a family history of Asthma is more likely to be affected by environmental factors to get an asthmatic attack.

Preventive Measures

When Asthma Homeopathy Treatment is combined with certain preventive measures, it helps the person get well quickly but also reduces the risk of frequent asthmatic attacks in the first place. Here are some of the dos and don'ts that can be adapted for a better Asthma Homeopathy Treatment with long-lasting relief.

Monitor closely if your breathing is normal or not?

Avoid going to places with a high degree of pollution or are saturated in airborne and other allergens.

Recognize and tell your physician about any of the drug or food allergies.

Have a hygienic environment around you. Keep the surroundings clean.

Avoid strenuous exercises or other physical activities if it triggers asthmatic attacks in you.

Manage your stress level.

Regularly take your medicines for effective Asthma Homeopathy Treatment. Keep your medicines handy.

How is Asthma Homeopathy Treatment Better?

Asthma Homeopathy Treatment uses highly personalized medicines to treat a disease without causing a side effect. Asthma Homeopathy Treatment is desirable for better management of the condition while avoiding the side effects of conventional medication.

Homeopathic medicines work on the principle of the 'law of similars'. It means that if a substance is known to cause the symptoms of a disease in smaller concentrations, it can also cure the disease. The medicines used in Asthma Homeopathy Treatment strengthen the immune system to fight against infections and diseases effectively. The law of single medicine and the law of minimum dose is beneficial for effective Asthma Homeopathy Treatment.

Dr. Singhal Homeo, Chandigarh

For people looking for Asthma Homeopathy Treatment, Dr. Singhal Homeo is the best option. Homeopathic asthma treatment helps the patient avoid and also treat asthmatic attacks in patients. In addition, homeopathy is an effective and safer alternative to conventional medication for asthma treatment. Learn more about Homeopathic Asthma treatment here - Dr. Singhal Homeo.

Monday, August 9, 2021

How to treat Hypertension with Homeopathy?

Hypertension is a condition impacting your heart and blood vessels. The cardiovascular disease leads to an increase in blood pressure. Hence it is also called high blood pressure (high BP)

Hypertension can acutely impact your vital organs like kidneys, heart, and reproductive system. As per WHO statistics, Hypertension is a primary reason for premature death globally. Hence, the World Health Organization (WHO) is working with and supporting countries to control Hypertension as a public health concern.

Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Hypertension helps control the blood pressure to normal levels.

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood flow against the walls of the body’s major blood vessels, i.e., arteries.

Two numbers represent your blood pressure (or BP). The first number is the systolic number indicating the blood pressure in blood vessels when the heart beats or contracts. The second number is the diastolic number that indicates the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart rests between two consecutive beats.

The standard blood pressure for any individual at any given time is 120/80 mmHg.

A person suffering from hypertension has a BP above 140/90 mmHg. The condition is critical if the BP rises above 180/120 mmHg.

Homeopathy for Hypertension helps regularise the standard blood pressure of an individual, thus ensuring a healthy state.

Homeopathic Medicine for Hypertension

What are the typical symptoms of hypertension?

Consult a Homeopathic Doctor for Hypertension if you observe the below symptoms:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Stress, nervousness, or anxiety
  • Sleeping problems
  • Vision problems
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Increased perspiration

Homeopathic Medicines for Hypertension can effectively control the increase in blood pressure and the resulting symptoms.

What are the factors leading to Hypertension?

Some of the factors that can heighten the risk of us contracting Hypertension are:

  • Consumption of tobacco and alcohol.
  • Unhealthy food habits.
  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle.
  • Age above 65 years.
  • An increase in weight making you overweight or obese.
  • Thyroid diseases and, more specifically, hypothyroidism.
  • Stress in personal or professional life.
  • Diabetes.
  • The existence of the problem in your family.
  • Consumption of food with high salt content.
  • Renal diseases.

The introduction of Homeopathy as a treatment mechanism for Hypertension can be beneficial. Homeopathic treatment has a high success rate in treating cardiovascular and chronic diseases.

How to control Hypertension with Homeopathy and other measures?

Homeopathic Medicines for Hypertension offer a speedy and persistent control of the problem. Regular intake of these medicines with some lifestyle changes can effectively regulate your blood pressure and keep you healthy.

  • Reducing the intake of salt in food.
  • Being more physically active and exercising.
  • Limited intake of saturated fats.
  • Reduce consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
  • Eating more vegetables and fruits.
  • Managing stress levels.
  • Managing other medical conditions and overall body health.

Dr. Singhal Homeo is one of the best options for Homeopathic treatment and Medicines for Hypertension. You can get an online or offline consultation with Dr. Vikas Singhal and get personalized Homeopathic Treatment for Hypertension. You also get dietary recommendations for the maintenance of healthy body weight. Book a consultation now.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Homeopathic Medicines for Ankylosing Spondylitis

 Ankylosing Spondylitis is a rare arthritic condition, impacting the large joints and spine, mainly in people between 16-40 years of age. The inflammatory disease causes the spinal vertebrae to fuse, which manifests with the onset of persistent pain and stiffness and can lead to the permanent fusion of the vertebral bones, called 'Bamboo Spine'. Ankylosing Spondylitis Homeopathy has proven to be more effective than conventional treatment methods.homeopathic medicines  for ankylosing spondylitis

Are you suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis?

You may observe the below symptoms if you are suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis:

             Chronic inflammation and degeneration of the spine

             Pain and stiffness in lower back, hips, and shoulder joints

             Pain typically worsens in the morning 

             Continual back pain

             A forward curve in the impacted spine resulting in hunched-forward posture 

             A problem in taking deep breaths, significantly if ribs are impacted

             Swollen joints and pain in the entire body

             Neck pain and fatigue 

             Pain and redness in eyes when exposed to bright light

             It may also cause kidney problems requiring dialysis 

             It can also impact your heart – aorta, the bodys largest artery

Homeopathic medicines for Ankylosing Spondylitis individualize each case and recommend using highly personalized medicines for each case. A qualified Homeopathic physician observes your case deeply before deciding which Homeopathic medicines for Ankylosing Spondylitis to use your case.

Ankylosing Spondylitis Homeopathic Treatment for

Causes of Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Autoimmunity is considered one of the main causes behind this problem; however, extensive studies are still going on to find the exact cause of the disease. There are certain factors that may trigger or aggravate the problem:

             Age factor: It is more common in teens and early adulthood, i.e., in 16-40 years.

             Heredity: Genetics is one of its primary causes; you can confirm the same by testing the presence of the HLA-B27 gene in the blood. Please note – all people with this gene do not develop this condition. 

             Sex: The condition is more common in males than in females.

             Constant Stress: A person suffering from long-standing stress is also at risk of getting Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Understanding the underlying risk factor can help determine the apt Homeopathic medicines for Ankylosing Spondylitis in a person. Dr. Singhal Homeo ensures accessible and affordable Ankylosing Spondylitis Homeopathic Treatment for all.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Lipoma Treatment in India


Lipoma is a benign connective tissue tumor (non-cancerous) of adipose tissue. It is like a round or oval-shaped fatty lump formed under your skin. 

There are various types of Lipoma. Clinically, these can be of two categories – pseudo (false) or true Lipoma. Pseudo Lipomas are symmetrical and typically develop due to lack of exercise and/or high intake of calories. Hormonal disruptions or immunological factors also contribute to this type of Lipoma. People of all ages can be affected by this condition; however, it is less common in children. Homeopathic Medicines for Lipoma are highly effective and widely used by people around the world.

Homeopathic Medicine for Lipoma

What are the Symptoms of Lipoma?

Lipoma is different and harmless compared to other types of tumors. However, they are cosmetically significant and alter your looks. They are:

             Soft and doughy to touch 

             Present just under the skin 

             Small in size, not more than 2 inches in diameter; however, it can grow gradually with time

             No apparent coloration of the skin over and around the lipomas. 

             Moves when touched, generally painless. 

             Primarily found in the neck, thighs, upper arms, forearms, etc.


Lipoma is usually felt or observed through manual palpitation. However, doctors recommend going through a proper examination of the condition before prescribing the Homeopathic Medicines for Lipoma.

What can cause a Lipoma?

Below are some of the factors that might increase the risk of developing a Lipoma

             Age factor – more common in the age group of 40-60

             Excessive growth of fatty cells

             More common in men

             Genetics also play a significant role

             People with Cowden syndrome, Gardners syndrome, Madelungs disease, or Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome

             A disorder leading to multiple, painful lipomas called Adiposis dolorosa

Lipoma is generally not painful; however, it causes pain if it puts pressure on a nerve underneath the skin. In some cases, it might also cause movement problems.

In the next section, we’ll see how lipoma treatment homeopathy medicines are effective and better.

lipoma treatment homeopathy medicine

Why Homeopathic Medicine for Lipoma?

Homeopathic Medicines provide quick relief to the pain caused by a Lipoma. These medicines also prevent the further progression of lumps, both in number and size. Homeopathic medicines are present in trace amounts, usually in a highly diluted form, to avoid adverse effects on the organs and the health. 

Prurigo Nodularis Foods to Avoid: Essential Dietary Tips for Better Skin Health

Understanding Prurigo Nodularis and Its Relationship with Diet Prurigo Nodularis (PN) is a chronic skin condition characterized by intensely...