
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment in Homeopathy - Effective, Gentle and Non-Toxic

Ankylosing spondylitis, or AS, is a chronic inflammatory condition that primarily affects the spine, feet, knees, and shoulder. Although AS can occur at any age, it's more common in men than in women. It typically develops in early adulthood or late adolescence. Characterized by stiffness, inflammatory back pain, and reduced flexibility, Ankylosing spondylitis can lead to a haunced posture and reduced chest expansion. Genetic factors, mainly the presence of the HLA-B27 marker and environmental triggers, are believed to contribute to its onset. Diagnosis depends on medical history, symptoms, and imaging studies. The best Homeopathic medicine for ankylosing spondylitis treatment is effective and safe for all people. Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment in Homeopathy requires proper consultation with a skilled experienced Homeopathic consultant.

Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis

The following are the common symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis:

  • Back Pain and Stiffness: Back pain and stiffness are often the earliest and most common symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis. The pain may worsen in the morning or after periods of inactivity.
  • Reduced Flexibility: Inflammation in the spine can lead to decreased mobility and flexibility. Severe cases may result in a hunched or stooped posture.
  • Pain and Stiffness in Other Joints: AS can also affect other joints, such as the feet, hips, shoulders, and knees, causing pain and swelling.
  • Fatigue: Many individuals with AS experience fatigue, which can be debilitating and can't always be relieved by rest.
  • Eye Inflammation: Some people with ankylosing spondylitis may develop eye inflammation, leading to eye pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and redness.
  • Difficulty Breathing: In rare cases, ankylosing spondylitis can affect the joints between the spine & ribs, leading to difficulty breathing.
  • Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss: Chronic inflammation can lead to reduced appetite and unintentional weight loss in some people with ankylosing spondylitis.

Homeopathic Medicine for Ankylosing Spondylitis provides effective treatment and improvement of the disorder. Moreover, ankylosing spondylitis Homeopathic treatment can offer symptomatic relief and improve the mobility of the impacted joints.

Causes of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Some of the common causes of ankylosing spondylitis are:

  • Genetic Factors: Genetics is the leading cause in 85-90% of the patients, confirmed by the HLA-B27 marker blood test. According to research, two other genes (ARTS1 & IL23R) are associated with AS.
  • Prolonged Stressful Situation: Prolonged stress increases the likelihood of developing AS by activating specific genetic factors associated with the condition.
  • Environmental Factors: Environmental factors, like infections or trauma, may trigger ankylosing spondylitis in genetically susceptible people. 

Ankylosing Spondylitis Homeopathy treatment treats the root cause of the condition. Furthermore, Homeopathic medicine for ankylosing spondylitis is made from natural ingredients and is free from synthetic chemicals.

Why Dr. Singhal Homeo for the Best Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment in Homeopathy?

Dr. Vikas Singhal is one of the most reputed Homeopathic consultants in India. He has been practicing in his clinic- Dr. Singhal Homeo, in Chandigarh. Moreover, he has been successfully treating various rare, chronic, acute, and autoimmune diseases in India for more than 20 years. Besides India, he treats patients from countries like Australia, Canada, the USA, Nigeria, Italy, France, etc. 

You can get offline and online consultations according to the available time slot. Moreover, online consultation can be taken over audio or video calls, depending upon the preferences of the patients and the consultant. After examining the medical history, diagnosis report, lifestyle, etc., he prepares individualized ankylosing spondylitis treatment in Homeopathy.

For more queries about Homeopathic Medicine for Ankylosing Spondylitis or Ankylosing Spondylitis Homeopathy Treatment, contact us at +91 8264408264. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Homeopathic Medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia - Holistic Healing

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic disorder that can cause sudden or intense facial pain, often described as electric shock-like sensations. This debilitating pain typically affects the face, eyes, jaw, and cheeks. Activities such as chewing, shaving, smiling, brushing teeth, etc., can cause more pain in trigeminal neuralgia or TN. If left untreated, these painful attacks may become frequent over the period. Females are more likely to suffer from trigeminal neuralgia than males. TN can occur at any age but is usually common at 50 years of age. Homeopathic Medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia can provide effective results since it provides symptomatic relief and is safer for all ages of genders.

Types of Trigeminal Neuralgia

There are two types of trigeminal neuralgia:

  • Classic Trigeminal Neuralgia: This is the most common type of trigeminal neuralgia. It typically involves severe and sudden pain in one side of the face. Moreover, it is often triggered by activities like chewing, talking, brushing, etc. This pain can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. It commonly affects one side of the face, mainly the jaw, cheek, or eye.
  • Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia: Atypical trigeminal neuralgia is also called "atypical facial pain." It is present with burning, aching, or constant pain rather than the severe pain seen in classic trigeminal neuralgia. It can be challenging to diagnose and may need different treatment approaches than classic trigeminal neuralgia.

Benefits of Homeopathic Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia

The following are the advantages of Homeopathic Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia:

  • Symptom Management: Many people with TN get relief from pain and other symptoms after using Homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medication helps stimulate the body's self-healing capacity and decrease the frequency and intensity of pain attacks.
  • Individualized Treatment: A Homeopath can typically conduct detailed research to understand the patient's medical history, symptoms, lifestyle, etc. Based on this analysis, the Homeopathic doctor prescribes individualized Homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Lesser Side Effects: Homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia is safe and has lesser risk of side effects. Moreover, Homeopathic medicine for trigeminal neuralgia is beneficial for individuals of all ages. It can be used along with conventional medications.
  • Holistic Healing: Homeopathy considers the person as a whole, focusing not only on the physical signs but also on the mental & emotional aspects of health. In TN, which can be worsened by stress or emotional factors, this holistic approach addresses the underlying imbalances contributing to TN. Homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia promotes overall wellness and treats the root cause of the disorder.

Why Choose Dr. Singhal Homeo for Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Dr. Vikas Singhal is among the renowned Homeopathic doctors in India. For over 20 years, he has been practicing in his clinic at Dr. Singhal Homeo in Chandigarh. He is among the most trusted Homeopathic doctors to treat various acute, rare, autoimmune, and chronic disorders, including trigeminal neuralgia.

He provides service to PAN India and various countries, such as Spain, Italy, Nigeria, USA, Canada, Singapore, England, etc. In addition, he provides online and face-to-face consultations according to the patient's preferences and available time slots.

For further information regarding the Homeopathic treatment for trigeminal neuralgia, contact us at +91 8264408264.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Why is Homeopathy for Tonsillitis Considered the Most Effective?

Tonsillitis is the condition when tonsils become inflamed by infections. Tonsils are the lymph nodes that are located at the back of the oral cavity. These lymphoid nodes help in fighting against microorganisms, which contributes to the body's immunity. When these lymph nodes get affected, it leads to painful swelling and difficulty in swallowing. Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis is very effective and helps in reducing pain and other symptoms.

Unlike the conventional treatment, you can avoid the surgeries by choosing homeopathy for tonsillitis.

Categorization of Tonsillitis

Depending upon the duration of the symptoms, tonsillitis is categorized into different types mentioned below.

  • Acute Tonsillitis: The symptoms of tonsillitis last for 3-4 days but can also persist for up to 2 weeks.
  • Chronic Tonsillitis: Tonsillitis symptoms last for more than 2 weeks.
  • Recurrent Tonsillitis: Even after having a treatment, tonsillitis may return back multiple times a year.

For each of the above-mentioned types, you can get individualized homeopathic treatment for tonsillitis. Another benefit of using Homeopathy for Tonsillitis Treatment is that it is free from side effects.

What are the Common Symptoms of Tonsillitis?

When choosing homeopathy for tonsillitis treatment, it is necessary to know the symptoms first.

Common symptoms one can face during tonsillitis inflammation are as follows:

  • Sore throat Red and swollen tonsils
  • Swelling in the throat
  • Irritation and itching
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Neck Pain
  • Cough, Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Stomach-ache

Causes of Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is usually caused by viral infections. However, rare bacterial infections can also cause tonsillitis.

  • Viral Tonsillit: The virus that causes the common cold and flu is the same one that causes tonsillitis. Generally, people with viral tonsillitis have milder symptoms than those with bacterial symptoms.
  • Bacterial Tonsillitis: A common name for bacterial tonsillitis is ‘strep throat’. Usually, Group A. Streptococcus, like Streptococcus pyogenes, is responsible for the condition of tonsillitis. But sometimes, Staphylococcus aureus also causes tonsillitis.

Role of Homeopathy in Tonsillitis Treatment

Homeopathy for tonsillitis treatment is known to provide better results and sustained relief when compared to conventional medicines. The medicines used for homeopathic treatment of tonsillitis help in building the immunity of the patients. It makes the body capable of fighting against different infections and allergens.

Homeopathic treatment for tonsillitis is one of the best ways available today for treating such problems.

Why Choose Dr. Singhal Homeo for Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis?

Dr. Vikas Singhal is a renowned homeopathic practitioner who is offering homeopathic treatment for tonsillitis and other diseases as well.

He has been treating various acute and chronic diseases, autoimmune, etc., for more than 20 years in his clinic- Dr. Singhal Homeo, Chandigarh. The patients who got Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis by Dr. Vikas reported better results.

If you are suffering from tonsillitis, you can take consultations online and offline at Dr. Singhal Homeo. To book an appointment, you can call or WhatsApp at +91 8264408264.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Effective Asthma Homeopathy Treatment for Child

Today, approximately 300 million people worldwide have asthma. According to many reports, its prevalence increases by 50% every decade. Asthma is one of the top chronic illnesses among children. If not treated timely, asthma in children can lead to many other complications. It can further lead to problems like missing school and even ending up in the hospital. It's vital to get an effective asthma treatment to manage your child's condition. Asthma Homeopathy Treatment for Child shows great results and is popular around the world. In this blog, we will discuss asthma's types, causes, and symptoms, as well as how homeopathy helps to treat it.

Types of Asthma

It's critical to understand the types of asthma for personalized Asthma Homeopathy treatment in a child or adult. Common types are:

  • Allergic asthma
  • Aspirin-induced asthma
  • Exercise-induced asthma
  • Nighttime asthma
  • Occupational asthma
  • Cough-variant asthma
  • Steroid-resistant asthma

Asthma Causes in Children

Hereditary and environmental factors play a critical role in childhood asthma. Accurately identifying the causes can help the doctor choose the right Asthma Homeopathy Treatment for a child. Some common causes are:

  • Genetics and family history
  • Allergic reaction to dust mites, pet dander,pollen, or mold
  • Occupational exposures
  • Exposure to certain chemicals
  • Respiratory infections during infancy &childhood, such as a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • Cigarette smoking, including secondhand smoke
  • Air pollution
  • Obesity
  • Lack of Exercise  

Symptoms of Asthma in Children

Some children experience few symptoms, while others may experience multiple. Many children experience flare-ups. Common symptoms include:

  • Chest tightness
  • Cough (daytime, nighttime or both)
  • Breathing problems, such as shortness of breath,rapid breathing, or gasping for air
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Feeling tired
  • Being irritable
  • Suffocation (in car, bus, etc.)
  • Trouble eating or breastfeeding (in infants)
  • Wheezing, which causes a whistling sound when they breathe out

By taking proper Asthma homeopathy treatment for a child, we can get our children rid of the symptoms effectively.

How Can Homeopathy Help?

Consider choosing Asthma Homeopathy Treatment for Child. This approach uses personalized medicines that are tailored to your kids’ specific needs. Homeopathic medicines work by following the "law of similars," which means that a substance that causes symptoms in small doses can cure the same symptoms in specific doses.

These medicines can strengthen your children’s immune system and help them fight diseases and infections more effectively. Additionally, due to using small doses and single medicines, Asthma Homeopathy Treatment is a safer option for controlling asthma symptoms.

Why Choose Dr. Vikas Singhal for Asthma Treatment?

Singhal Homeo, located in Chandigarh, is an excellent option for people seeking Asthma Homeopathy Treatment for their children. This approach can help your child avoid and get relief from asthmatic attacks without the side effects that come with traditional medication. We provide online audio/video consultation and deliver Asthma Homeopathic medicine for children across India and the USA, UK, Scotland, Austria, Canada, Singapore, etc. Call or WhatsApp at +91 8264408264 to make an appointment.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Understanding Masturbation Addiction and Benefits of Homeopathy

Compulsive masturbation refers to the uncontrollable and excessive engagement in self-stimulation, causing distress and disruptions in daily life. This pattern develops into a challenging habit, affecting work, relationships, and overall quality of life. Homeopathy for Masturbation Treatment is a holistic approach to healthcare that treats the underlying causes rather than merely treating symptoms. In cases of compulsive masturbation, Homeopathy seeks to rebalance the body's vital forces, considering psychological, physical, and emotional factors. Let us understand when masturbation becomes an issue and how Homeopathy can treat it.

Symptoms of Masturbation

The following are the symptoms of compulsive masturbation:

  • Guilt or Shame: Religious, cultural, or personal beliefs might lead to guilt, embarrassment, or shame associated with masturbation.
  • Stress or Anxiety: Extreme worry about the consequences or frequency of masturbation might lead to stress or anxiety.
  • Impact on Relationships: If masturbation interferes with relationships or daily activities, it can cause problems in intimacy or social interactions.
  • Interpersonal Issues: If extreme masturbation interferes with social relations or interactions, it might cause conflicts or distress.
  • Temporary Genital Sensitivity: Frequent or vigorous masturbation might cause temporary genital sensitivity or soreness.
  • Physical Exhaustion: Spending excessive energy or time on masturbation leads to physical tiredness or fatigue.

Homeopathic medicine for masturbation treatment is one of the best ways to control and stop compulsive sexual behaviors. These medicines are free from chemical composition and are made from plant and mineral sources.

Causes of Compulsive Masturbation

The causes of compulsive masturbation are mentioned below:

  • Trauma or Past Experiences: Sexual abuse, childhood trauma, or other traumatic experiences issues might trigger compulsive sexual behaviors.
  • Mental Health Conditions: Conditions such as OCD, bipolar, or personality disorders might be manifestations of compulsive sexual behaviors.
  • Intimacy Issues: Difficulties in creating or maintaining intimate relationships might lead to increased dependence on masturbation for sexual satisfaction.
  • Inadequate or Inaccurate Sex Education: Lack of sex education might lead to misconceptions about healthy sexual behaviors, commonly contributing to compulsive behaviors.
  • Genetic Predisposition: A genetic component might make some people more susceptible to compulsive behaviors.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: Changes in hormone levels might increase sexual arousal and urges.
  • Addicted to Pornography:  Easy access to explicit content online can lead to addictive behaviors and contribute to compulsive masturbation.

Homeopathic medicine for masturbation treatment can manage and treat the root cause of the disorder. Moreover, it activates the body's self-healing ability, promoting the normal function of an organ system.

Why Choose Dr. Singhal Homeo for the Effective Homeopathic Masturbation Treatment?

Dr. Vikas Singhal is one of the most reputable and qualified homeopathic doctors in India. He has been practicing in his Dr. Singhal Homeo clinic in Chandigarh for more than 20 years. Moreover, he successfully addresses and treats chronic, rare, acute, and autoimmune conditions like compulsive masturbation syndrome. 

After reviewing the patient's diagnosis report, lifestyle, medical history, diet, etc., he prescribes individualized Homeopathic Medicine for Masturbation treatment. Furthermore, he also offers online and offline consultations according to the patient's preferences.

To fix an appointment or information regarding Homeopathy for masturbation treatment, call or WhatsApp us at +91 8264408264.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Role of Homeopathy in Addressing Masturbation Concerns

Masturbation is touching and rubbing genital areas of the body for sexual pleasure, such as the vulva, penis, clitoris, and breasts. They experience intense daily urges, finding it challenging to control their behavior, resulting in difficulties at work or in relationships. Frequent masturbation often causes discomfort and emotional distress. Despite being a treatable condition, many individuals hesitate to seek treatment due to societal stigma and feelings of shame. Let's explore when masturbation becomes problematic and how Homeopathy can help to manage it. Homeopathy for Masturbation Treatment is among the most effective ways of addressing this issue, offering a holistic approach without causing side effects.

Symptoms of Compulsive Masturbation

The following are the common symptoms of compulsive masturbation disorder: 
  • Frequent and Excessive Urges: Persistent and uncontrollable urges about masturbation, often several times a day.
  • Neglect of Responsibilities: Prioritizing masturbation over essential tasks, leading to neglect of work, studies, or responsibilities.
  • Impact on Relationships: Difficulties maintaining intimate relationships due to excessive preoccupation with self-stimulation.
  • Interference with Daily Life: Spending excessive time masturbating, causing disruption in daily routines or hindering normal activities.
  • Distress or Guilt: Feeling significant distress, guilt, or shame about the frequency or intensity of the behavior.
Homeopathic medicine for masturbation treatment is among the best ways to control and stop compulsive sexual behaviors. Furthermore, Homeopathy for masturbation treatment helps to enhance the body's overall vigor and vitality.

Causes of Compulsive Masturbation

Here are several factors that can contribute to the development of this condition:
  • Psychological Factors: Anxiety, stress, depression, or other mental health problems may lead to compulsive behaviors as a coping mechanism.
  • Past Trauma: A history of sexual abuse, neglect, or other traumatic experiences can trigger compulsive sexual behaviors as a way to cope or regain control.
  • Addiction or Substance Abuse: Substance abuse can lower inhibitions and contribute to compulsive behaviors, including excessive masturbation.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Fluctuations in hormone levels might influence sexual urges, potentially contributing to compulsive masturbation.
  • Underlying Mental Health Conditions: Conditions like OCD, bipolar disorder, ADHD, or personality disorders can manifest in compulsive sexual behaviors.
  • Genetics and Family History: Some studies suggest a potential genetic predisposition to compulsive behaviors, which might be influenced by family history.
  • Sexual Misconceptions: Cultural or religious beliefs that induce shame or guilt around sex and masturbation can contribute to compulsive behaviors.
  • Accessibility to Pornography: Easy access to explicit content online can lead to addictive behaviors and contribute to compulsive masturbation.
  • Lack of Sex Education: Inadequate or inaccurate sex education might lead to confusion and misconceptions about healthy sexual behaviors, potentially contributing to compulsive habits.
Homeopathic medicines for masturbation treatment address and treat the root cause of the disorders. These medicines are made from natural ingredients such as plant & mineral sources.

Why Choose Dr. Singhal Homeo for the Best Homeopathic Masturbation Treatment?

Dr. Vikas Singhal is among the renowned and skilled Homeopathic experts in India and abroad. He has been practicing in his Clinic- Dr. Singhal Homeo, in Chandigarh, for over 20 years. He successfully treats rare, chronic, acute, & autoimmune disorders like compulsive masturbation syndrome. 

After reviewing the patient's medical report, lifestyle, diet, etc., he prepares the personalized Homeopathic Medicine for Masturbation treatment. Moreover, he also offers online and face-to-face consultations according to the patient's needs.

For further queries regarding Homeopathy for masturbation treatment, contact us at +91 8264408264.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Personalized Asthma Homeopathy Treatment for Sustained Relief

Asthma is a chronic disorder that affects many individuals globally and can be a life-altering challenge. It causes the airways to get inflamed and makes breathing difficult. While conventional treatments, such as inhalers and oral medications, are effective for many, some individuals seek alternative approaches. Homeopathy, an age-old system of medicine, offers a holistic and natural option for managing asthma symptoms. Medications used for Asthma Homeopathy treatment have no adverse effects and are safer. However, it is recommended to consult with a qualified Homeopath for Asthma Homeopathy Treatment. Let's proceed to the symptoms and treatment of this condition.

Symptoms of Asthma

  • Shortness of Breath: People with asthma often experience difficulty breathing, especially during physical activities, exercise, or at night. 
  • Coughing: Persistent coughing, particularly at night or early in the morning, is a typical symptom of asthma. 
  • Chest Tightness: Many people with asthma describe a feeling of pressure or tightness in the chest. This sensation can be mild or severe, contributing to discomfort and anxiety.
  • Difficulty Sleeping: Asthma symptoms often worsen at night, leading to sleep disturbances. Nighttime wheezing, coughing, & shortness of breath can interfere with restful sleep.
  • Chest Pain or Pressure: Some individuals with asthma may experience chest pain or pressure, especially during asthma attacks. This can be alarming and requires immediate medical attention.

Asthma Homeopathy treatment is a better option than conventional treatment for complete relief, being effective, gentle, and safe at the same time.

Causes of Asthma

  • Genetics: Family history plays a substantial role in the development of asthma. People with parents or siblings who have asthma are at a higher risk of developing the disorder. 
  • Allergies: Allergic reactions play an important role in many asthma cases. Common allergens like pet dander, mold, pollen, dust mites, etc., can trigger asthma symptoms in sensitive people. When these allergens are inhaled, they can inflame the airways, leading to asthma symptoms.
  • Respiratory Infections: Viral respiratory infections, particularly during early childhood, can raise the risk of developing asthma. Certain viruses, like rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), have been linked to the development of asthma in children.
  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to allergens in the environment can trigger asthma symptoms. Common triggers include pollen, dust mites, mold spores, strong odors, pet dander, smoke, air pollution, tobacco smoke, etc.
  • Occupational Exposures: Some workplace environments expose people to substances that can irritate the airways and lead to occupational asthma. These substances have dust, chemicals, fumes, and other respiratory irritants.
Asthma Homeopathy treatment targets the root cause of the disorder and lowers the body's sensitivity to allergens. Homeopathy medicines are made from plant and mineral sources and are free from chemical composition.

Dr. Singhal Homeo- For Most Effective Asthma Homeopathy Treatment

Dr. Vikas Singhal is one of the best and most reputable Homeopathic doctors in India and abroad. He has been practicing at his Dr. Singhal Homeo clinic in Chandigarh for over 20 years. He treats various acute, chronic, and autoimmune diseases across India and abroad.

After reviewing the patient's personal history, diagnosis reports, lifestyle, symptoms, etc., he prescribes personalized Asthma Homeopathy Treatment. You can get both face-to-face and online consultations according to your choice. 

To fix an appointment with our doctor for asthma Homeopathy treatment, call or WhatsApp us at +91 8264408264.

Managing and Treating Childhood Asthma with Homeopathic Treatment

Childhood asthma is a chronic disorder characterized by narrowing and inflammation of the airways, leading to shortness of breathing, wheezi...